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InformationThe Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus for the Gomel Region reminds!
2022 QUALITY AND CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY GOALS AND POLICYThe Law of July 15, 2015 "On Combating Corruption" is a holistic document that defines the mechanisms prevention of corruption, including restrictions established for officials and persons equivalent to them, regulates the procedure declaration of income and property of such persons, fixes systemic measures to combat corruption. The provisions of the Law are aimed at the consistent improvement of anti-corruption legislation Belarus, in particular, the adoption of additional measures to reduce the motivation of officials for corrupt behavior, increase awareness of the inevitability of punishment for corruption crimes, as well as the maximum strengthening of the role of the public in revealing facts of corruption and informing law enforcement agencies about it. In addition to the existing anti-corruption mechanisms, the Law, in particular, establishes a ban on appointment to management positions of persons dismissed due to discrediting circumstances (up to five years after such dismissal), as well as a ban on the admission to the civil service of persons who have previously committed a serious or especially serious crime against the interests of the service or associated with the use by an official of his official powers (indefinitely). It provides for the deprivation of state officials who committed the specified offences, entitlement to a superannuation pension under civil service legislation and the provision only old-age pensions. In addition, the procedure for declaring income and property of certain categories of state officials in order to establish their real property status as fully as possible. A mechanism is being introduced to withdraw from a public official holding a responsible position, and who also entered the civil service by election, property, the value of which exceeds income by 25% or more, received by this official during the reporting period from legal sources. Amendments are being made to the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative offenses and some other legislative acts, taking into account the practice of applying legislation in the field of combating corruption, and also in connection with the need to harmonize with the norms of the Law "On Combating Corruption". The law not only establishes additional measures to combat corruption, but also implements individual initiatives citizens, received during the public discussion of the draft Law, aimed at a reasonable liberalization of relations in this area. In particular, the institution of public control in the field of combating corruption is being introduced, forms of participation of citizens in such activities (including participation in the development of draft regulatory legal acts in the field of combating corruption and in the work of anti-corruption commissions). The ban on external part-time work is canceled for persons performing legally significant actions, which do not entail significant consequences (heads of divisions, services, departments, workshops, laboratories at various enterprises). The law provides for the extension of this prohibition exclusively to officials with real state power. authorities (civil servants, military personnel, heads and chief accountants of state organizations and non-governmental organizations with a share of state ownership of at least 50%). To prevent a formal approach to the application of penalties, liability for minor inaccuracies in declaring income and property. Law of the Republic of Belarus "On the fight against corruption" dated 15.07.2015 Local legal acts![]() ![]() ![]() ATS MEMO
Dear citizens, be vigilant! Current methods of committing Internet fraud: SALE ANNOUNCEMENTS. Fraudulent sellers ask to transfer money for goods that the victim does not receive later; PURCHASE ANNOUNCEMENTS. Fraudulent buyers ask for bank card details and (or) an SMS code supposedly to transfer money for goods, or ask follow the link sent by them, where you must specify the details of the victim's bank card. After receiving this data, criminals steal money from a bank account. A CALL FROM THE BANK, POLICE, etc. Fraudsters call the phone and pretend to be employees of the Bank, law enforcement agencies and other government agencies, report attempts to commit suspicious transactions and offer assistance in canceling them. Convinced to provide details bank payment card, or are asked to install the "Any Desk" application; or "TeamViewer", allowing gain access to the victim's mobile phone and bank account. Also "fake security officers" may offer participate in the capture of criminals, for which they ask a citizen to issue a loan and put money on an allegedly "secret" account. check. After transferring money to the "secret" account, the criminal already disposes of them. POLICE WARNING! Do not provide bank card details by phone to unknown persons, even if they introduced themselves as bank employees, police etc. Do not follow the instructions given by unknown people over the phone. Do not click on links received from anyone on the Internet. When selling or buying a product, communicate only on the official website of the online trading platform, the product is desirable transfer or receive in person. The Department of Internal Affairs of the Administration of the Zheleznodorozhny District of Gomel reminds citizens of the elementary measures of personal and property security: do not leave your things unattended, do not trust their safety to strangers; keep documents, money, mobile phones and other valuables only with you; periodically check the availability of money, documents and valuables; beware of citizens offering to exchange foreign currency, drink alcoholic beverages, as well as those who have asked use a mobile phone; if unfamiliar lyuli begin to pester you, remain calm, cool-headed, do not provoke and do not use expressions that can be perceived as an insult; when relaxing in public places, choose sites located in an open, inspected space; you should not go out with an attacker to a secluded place "to talk." There are frequent cases when the argument becomes edged weapons in the hands of an excited stranger; so that your car does not become the subject of a crime, park it in guarded parking lots or in garages. When the absence of such an opportunity, put it only in permitted places, without violating traffic rules, so that they did not interfere with the passage of citizens and the passage of vehicles. If you have become an accidental witness to a crime or have suffered from the actions of hooligans, contact us immediately. in the ODS OVD by phone 50-94-04, 63-37-27 or by phone «102» . |