Today the open joint-stock company SALEO-Gomel is a successful enterprise, whose products are appreciated in Belarus and abroad, but behind the modern successes of the organization there is a 60-year journey, full of bold decisions and long searches, ups and downs. |
On the basis of the reaper shop of the Gomselmash plant, the Gidroprivod plant, the future open joint-stock company SALEOGomel, was established. The main task of the new enterprise was the production of hydraulic cylinders installed in the hydraulic systems of agricultural machinery of "Gomselmash". The reconstruction of the existing production facilities and the commissioning of new production buildings resulted in an increase in the enterprise's capacity, an increase in its production volumes, an expansion of the range of manufactured products, and the plant reached its design capacity in 1969. By this time, the team had mastered the production of a wide range of hydraulic equipment for both general machine-building purposes and for machine-tool building. In particular, the production of hydraulic panels, pressure spools and axial piston pumps has been adjusted. |
The technical re-equipment of production gave the enterprise a new impetus for development. The quality of manufactured products has significantly improved, and the volume of their output has increased. The demand for the products of the Gidroprivod plant increased, and they began to be supplied to all the republics of the USSR. The production association (PO) "Gidroavtomatika" was formed. The Narovlya and Khoiniki hydroequipment plants were affiliated to the organization, and the Gomel plant "Gidroprivod" became the head enterprise of the association. |
Production Association "Hydro - automatics" has become one of the leading enterprises for the production of hydraulic drives and hydraulic automatics for the national economy of the USSR, has reached a level of development that allows it to be called the industry leader. The plant accounted for 96% of hydraulic panels and 50% of hydraulic stations and hydraulic drives produced in the country. It produced hydraulic panels for metal-cutting machines, pressure valves, axial piston hydraulic pumps corresponding to the best international standards, as well as hydraulic drive stations and complete hydraulic drives based on them. |
The production of about 500 standard sizes of hydraulically operated valves for connecting surfaces, manufactured according to international standards, was mastered. High-performance equipment, CNC machines were introduced, work was carried out to mechanize manual labor and improve the organization of production. The company's products were supplied to 49 countries of the world, including England, Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Germany, Finland, Sweden. |
The construction of the administrative and production buildings of the enterprise was completed, which made it possible not only to increase production volumes, but also to launch the production of new demanded products. The collapse of the Soviet Union led to the severing of ties with suppliers of raw materials and materials, as well as with consumers of finished products. There was a significant decline in production, the capacity on the balance sheet of the enterprise turned out to be unloaded, there was an outflow of highly qualified workers and employees. To maintain production volumes and staff, the management of the association carried out serious work to reorient its economic activities to the Belarusian market. The production of new types of hydraulic equipment was mastered, corresponding to the needs of Belarusian enterprises. Production of PA "Gidroavtomatika" began to be supplied to a number of Belarusian enterprises, including the production association "Minsk Tractor Plant", the Bobruisk Plant of Tractor Parts and Units, the "Gomselmash" plant and the Minsk branch of the "Amkodor" plant, which by 2003 made it possible to restore production volumes. up to 80% of the available capacity. |
In connection with the changes in the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the plant "Gidroprivod" was re-registered as a legal entity and was transformed into the republican unitary enterprise (RUE) "Gomel plant" Gidroprivod ". Taking into account the existing production ties, by order of the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus, RUE Gomel Plant Gidroprivod was included in the Minsk Tractor Plant Production Association (MTZ Production Association). |
The enterprise has mastered serial production of a wide range of products for the production association "Minsk Tractor Plant", began mass production of hydraulic cylinders for brake systems and clutch systems of power-saturated MTZ tractors of models 1221 and 1523. Together with the head specialized design bureau of the Minsk Tractor Plant, work was carried out to master the production of hydraulic equipment for tractors models 2522 and 2822, as well as for forestry machines. |
Thanks to the receipt by RUE Gidroprivod of the status of a resident of the free economic zone “Gomel-Raton”, the staff of the enterprise had the opportunity to direct additional funds for the development of production. RUE Gomel Plant Gidroprivod was reorganized into Open Joint Stock Company (OJSC) Gidroprivod. |
On the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus, JSC Gidroprivod is part of the SALEO holding, and later, in September, LLC Khorda-Gidravlika joins the enterprise. Khorda-Gidravlika LLC is a Gomel machine-building enterprise, founded in early 1991. At the time of joining the holding, its specialists were engaged in the development and production of axial piston hydraulic machines for mobile equipment. The company's products were supplied to enterprises of the Republic of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. |
In connection with the entry of the enterprise into the SALEO holding, Gidroprivod OJSC was renamed into SALEO-Gomel OJSC. The quality management system of the enterprise is certified for compliance with the international standard ISO 9001, the certificate STB ISO 9001-2015 "Quality management system" has been received. |
The machine-building management system STB 16949-2018 of the quality management system STB ISO 9001-2015 has been introduced with special requirements for use for organizations participating in the supply chains of the automotive, agricultural, loading and transport, quarry and special mechanical engineering. |
The production ties of SALEOGomel OJSC with the holdings MTZ, Gomselmash, AMKODOR, MAZ, BelAZ and other enterprises of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation that produce agricultural, road-building, logging, municipal technique. For the MTZ holding, hydraulic valves of parallel action and with automatic return of the spool were developed, the hydraulic elements of the clutch assemblies were modernized. Hydraulic devices, hydraulic units, axial-piston hydraulic motor of the cutter drive have been developed and introduced into the hydraulic system of the snow compacting machines "BELARUS MSU-108". With the Gomselmash holding, work was carried out to expand the range of hydraulic products used, to master and introduce hydraulic blocks, hydraulic valves and distribution equipment. In accordance with the import substitution program, hydrostatic transmissions of travel drive and reel drive for forage and grain harvesters of Gomselmash OJSC were developed and introduced instead of Danfoss, Rexroth, Bondioli hydraulic products. Close cooperation with the AMKODOR holding continues. A line of hydraulic equipment replacing imported analogs has been developed for loaders, road rollers, and forestry machines. In addition to the axial-piston hydraulic machines (pumps and hydraulic motors), which have been serially supplied for many years, for AMKODOR loaders, adjustable |
axial piston pumps and hydraulic motors, hydrostatic drive transmission for multifunctional machines MPU, variable pump for loaders with a lifting capacity of 5 and 7 tons. A line of adjustable axial piston hydraulic machines with LS-control for machines of the AMKODOR timber industry complex has been developed. A line of hydraulic devices and hydraulic units for truck crane production and communal vehicles produced by the branch of MAZ OJSC, the Mogilevtransmash plant has been developed and tested. For the purpose of import substitution, SALEO-Gomel OJSC has developed and applied a guide rail, hydraulic distribution equipment, hydraulic machines manufactured and supplied for the needs of BelAZ, Lidagroprommash, Mozyr Machine Building Plant and other manufacturers of mobile equipment in the Republic of Belarus. The production ties between SALEO-Gomel OJSC and Russian equipment manufacturers are being strengthened and expanded. |
Based on the results of three years of work with PJSC "Tuymazinsky plant of autoconcrete carriers" (Tuymazy, Russian Federation), which is part of the group companies "KAMAZ", developed, successfully tested and introduced hydrostatic transmissions of JSC SALEO-Gomel into the design documentation of TZA concrete mixer trucks. In order to ensure the production of special equipment by Avtomobilny The URAL plant, as part of the execution of the state defense order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, supplies VEKTOR PG with axial piston pumps and hydraulic motors for completing cargo winches manufactured by the enterprise. Hydraulic products of JSC SALEO-Gomel have found application in the hydraulic systems of equipment of JSC Petersburg Tractor Plant, LLC Amkodor-Bryansk, CJSC JV Bryanskselmash, CJSC Bryansk Arsenal, CJSC "Chelyabinsk road-building machines", LLC "Zauralmash", Arzamas municipal engineering plant "KOMMASH", Russian truck crane plants. The development of export sales continued. JSC "SALEO-Gomel" supplies hydraulic equipment to the markets of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Latvia, Lithuania, Pakistan, Ukraine, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Vietnam. Products are sold at markets of the European Union, Egypt, China through SALEO LLC - the holding's management company. |
For more than a quarter of a century since the foundation of the enterprise, the staff of SALEO-Gomel OJSC has been awarded many awards. For the high indicators achieved in the All-Union public review of the use of production reserves and the economy regime, the enterprise was awarded 8 times with diplomas of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, the USSR State Committee for National Security, 4 times the collective of the association was awarded the honorary title of "Enterprise of Communist Labor", 21 times was awarded the rolling Red Banner of the USSR Ministry of Machine-Tool Industry , the second money prize was awarded twice and the challenge red banner of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the Central Committee of the Komsomol was presented. High performance in the socialist competition for a worthy meeting of the 60th anniversary of the Byelorussian SSR and the Communist Party of Byelorussia brought the plant's staff the Certificate of Honor of the Supreme Soviet of the BSSR. In 2016 and 2017, together with the management company SALEO-Gomel OJSC, they worthily presented their products at the International Specialized Exhibition "Construction Equipment and Technologies". In 2018, for the contribution to the socio-economic development of the Zheleznodorozhny District of Gomel, the head of the district administration presented the staff of the enterprise with the rolling banner, and in 2016, 2018, 2019, the excellent quality of SALEO-Gomel OJSC products was assessed by the professional jury of the International Exhibition "Spring in Gomel ". |