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Social and Cultural life
«September 26th»
On July 18, 2023, President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko signed the law "On the People's Militia". On September 26, a meeting of the labor collective of JSC "SALEO-Gomel" with Elena Nikolaevna Omelinovich, senior lecturer of the Department of Law and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Gomel branch of the Educational Institution of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus "MITSO International University", took place to discuss the topic: "The role of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On the People's Militia". The law is the first legislative act in the field of activity of the people's militia in the Republic of Belarus. The document creates the legal basis for the voluntary participation of citizens in ensuring martial law imposed in the administrative-territorial (territorial) units of the republic, as well as additional conditions for assisting territorial internal affairs bodies in the exercise of their powers and protecting property of all forms of ownership from criminal and other encroachments. Citizens of the Republic will be able to voluntarily take part in the armed defense of their home, relatives, friends and thus participate in the armed defense of the state.

On August 18, 2023 the III Regional Spartakiade of the Gomel Regional Organization of the Belarusian Professional Union of Industrial Workers «Belprofmash» dedicated to the Year of Peace and Creation was held. Belprofmash", dedicated to the Year of Peace and Creation. The team of JSC "SALEO-Gomel" team took the third place. The Spartakiade once again demonstrated and confirmed that we are able to fight and win. know how to fight and win. In the unity of our team we always achieve high results in labor and in sports!
«August 17 SanEpid»
On August 17, the labor collective of JSC "SALEO-Gomel" met with an epidemiologist of the State Institution "Gomel City Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology" on the topic: "Prevention and prevention of viral infections".
Congratulations to our team on the fourth place in the 23rd tourist gathering of enterprises, organizations and institutions of the Railway district of Gomel, dedicated to the Year of Peace and Creation!
Gomel Gazette.
With the beginning of the subscription campaign for the second half of the year, the staff of the Gomelskiye Vedomosti newspaper met with employees Societies to communicate with newspaper subscribers, to hold a quiz about their hometown. Connoisseurs of the history of Gomel received prizes from the newspaper editor.
June 9, 2023.
On June 9, 2023, as part of the events dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus and the Day of the National in memory of the victims of the Great Patriotic War and the genocide of the Belarusian people, the employees of OJSC SALEO-Gomel visited the memorial complex Brest Fortress - Hero.
Youth of JSC SALEO-Gomel in the Parliament of the Republic of Belarus.
On June 8, 2023, the youth of our enterprise visited the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus. In the oval hall, deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Utkin V.Yu. and first deputy OJSC «SALEO-Gomel» Grakov S.V. The Youth Council was awarded membership cards of the Society's Youth Council.
As part of the events dedicated to the Day of National Remembrance of the Victims of the Great Patriotic War, the Youth Council of JSC SALEO-Gomel June 8, 2023 visited the Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Minsk.
At dawn on June 22, 1941, fascist Germany, violating the non-aggression pact, began a war against the Soviet Union. Straightaway after a treacherous attack, she launched a broad offensive of troops along the entire western border of the USSR – from the Barents to the Black Sea. Implementation of the plan has begun «Barbarossa», according to which the German military leadership expected to hold «lightning war» and defeat the USSR with one blow. The most powerful grouping of German troops was advancing on the territory of Belarus. Enemy aircraft bombed railway junctions, airfields, as well as Brest, Grodno, Volkovysk, Baranovichi and other cities.
But the Belarusian people did not submit to the invaders. Belarusians – one of the nations most affected by the war. Behind during the war years, 209 cities and regional centers, more than 9 thousand villages were destroyed and burned. Human losses amounted to 2.4 million Human. We always remember and are proud of the feat of our ancestors!
June 6th.
Today a meeting of the labor collective of JSC «SALEO-Gomel» with representatives of the socio-pedagogical center, head of the Department of Prevention and Comprehensive Rehabilitation Plekh E.V., and social pedagogue Filipchenko K.V. On the subject: "Prevention of offenses and criminal behavior of minors in the summer. Prevention of a comprehensive rehabilitation"
The long-awaited summer has come - a wonderful time!
It began with the most important holiday of childhood «Children Protection Day». On June 1, almost all countries celebrate International Children's Day. This is not only one of the most joyful holidays for children, but also a reminder to adults that children need their constant care and protection and that adults are responsible for them.
And in JSC «SALEO-Gomel» a cheerful, colorful holiday was organized for the children of the Company's employees. In the long awaited day, the guys brought their drawings on the theme of family and peace, with which they decorated the festive photo zone.
The holiday continued with fun games, contests and dances with your favorite cartoon characters, in which, of course, friendship won.
At the end of the holiday, a delicious lunch was waiting for the children to restore their strength. Both children and their parents received a charge of vivacity and cheerful moods. And most importantly, the children were delighted with everything that happened.
On the eve of the 78th anniversary of the Great Victory of the Soviet people over the Nazi invaders at JSC «SALEO-Gomel» festivities are organized. Youth Council and NGO «BRYU» Societies solemnly congratulated veterans Timokhova Lilia Ivanovna and Andreeva Lidia Fedorovna with the upcoming holiday. Andreeva Lidia Fedorovna was presented with an award - Anniversary Badge «85 years of Gomel areas» from the Gomel Regional Executive Committee.
On May 5, a festive concert dedicated to the Victory Day was held in the assembly hall, to which a war veteran and a veteran of of our enterprise Sankov N.P. For the audience with songs of the war years, the Vocal and Instrumental Ensemble of JSC «SALEO-Gomel» and dance group of the 2nd Children's Art School in Gomel, choreographic group «Rhythm».
In addition, by the efforts of the Company's employees, the permanent exposition of the exhibition «Road Memory» with the names of participants in the Great Patriotic War, relatives of the Company's employees, which can always be visited employees and guests of the enterprise.
On May 9, the workforce of the enterprise with their families took part in the solemn procession and other festive events, organized by the city administration for the Victory Day.
Summing up! April Tournament. Today we are summing up the results of our competitions among enterprises in volleyball and badminton.
1st place UP Gomelvtorchermet 2nd place Bus depot N6. 3rd place SALEO-Gomel.
1st place UP Gomelvtorchermet 2nd place Bus depot N6. 3rd place SALEO-Gomel.
Congratulations to the winners! We thank the enterprises Raton JSC, Elektroapparatura JSC, Bus depot N6, UE Gomelvtorchermet for participation in the competition. In the year of peace and creation, we once again proved that sport is the guarantor of peace and friendship!
Employees of JSC «SALEO-Gomel» visited the museum «In memory of the victims of the Ozarich death camp» in Kalinkovichsky district of the Gomel region.
The museum was opened in memory of civilians about one of the terrible pages of the Polesye tragedy during the Great Patriotic War war. In March 1944, the Nazi invaders rounded up more than 50 thousand people (children, women, the elderly) from the Polessky, Mogilev regions of Belarus, the Oryol and Smolensk regions of Russia into swamps and surrounded this territory with prickly wire. People were in the open air without food and heating. Within a week, 20,000 people died of starvation and typhus.
In the death camp, the Nazis used bacteriological weapons (the spread of typhus). We must remember and appreciate the price at which we Belarusians got the Victory in the Great Patriotic War!
Excursion trip to the National Memorial Complex «Temple-monument in honor of All Saints and in memory of the victims, who served the salvation of our Fatherland».
As part of the Year of Peace and Creation in the Republic of Belarus on March 18, 2023. excursion trip of employees of JSC «SALEO-Gomel» to the capital of our Republic, Minsk. The most impressive sightseeing place served as a complex «Temple-monument in honor of All Saints and in memory of the victims who served to save our Fatherland». The workers were touched by the guide's stories about the interesting facts of the Orthodox spiritual life and the richest cultural values. Belarusian heritage. The crypt contains earth from burial sites associated with the Napoleonic Wars of 1812, the First and the Second World Wars, the war in Afghanistan and many other places not only in our republic, but also in other countries. Here the Unquenchable Lampada always burns, lit from the fire taken from the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. Any visitor to the crypt can light a candle or take home a piece of fire from the Holy Land. Another point of visiting and filling with unforgettable impressions was the zoo and the dolphinarium. Where workers could see predators basking in the spring sun, make friends and feed many animals and birds, and see water show with dolphins.

JSC «SALEO-Gomel» elected Youth Council
On March 16, 2023, a meeting was held to which all young workers and management were invited JSC «SALEO-Gomel». First Deputy Director Grakov S.V. spoke at the meeting and spoke about the plans and prospects for the development of the Company in 2023. First Deputy Director Grakov S.V. youth were invited to speak with the initiative to create a Youth Council at the enterprise, which will be the link between management and youth enterprises, to discuss and resolve issues and implement new ideas of interest to young people. Of those present according to the voting results, 10 representatives from different structural divisions of the Company were elected to the Youth Council.
Congratulations to our beautiful half on Women's Day!
Morning of March 7 at the checkpoint of JSC «SALEO-Gomel» especially started. The men of the Society greeted the beautiful half with warm wishes, spring flowers, sweet gifts, funny surprises to the musical accompaniment of the «SALEO-Gomel» ensemble.
In continuation of the festive congratulations to women in the canteen of the Society, men organized contests and shows performance. At the end of the day at a festive concert in the club of the Society, pleasant impressions and good mood women were presented with the vocal and instrumental ensemble «SALEO-Gomel», artists of the creative team DK Kostyukovka and pupils of the dance studio «Zefir». In the solemn part, the employees of our enterprise were presented with gratitude letters from the deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Utkin V.Yu.
Day of labor protection
January 23, 2023 JSC SALEO-Gomel held a day of labor protection, which reviewed the results work on labor protection, fire safety for 2022. In order to carry out activities on holding a ten-day period to prevent deaths in fires in the railway district of Gomel were invited by the 1st Deputy Head of the City Department for Emergency Situations Tkachenko Andrey Petrovich and a specialist in organizational work of the Gomel regional structure of the RSPA «BVFS» Uzdovskaya Vera Mikhailovna.
New Year's parties for the children of employees of the JSC «SALEO-Gomel»
It has already become a good tradition to hold children's holidays for the children of the employees of our Society. In anticipation New Year holidays, we decided to please our children with an interesting New Year's program. Children's New Year's parties were held for two days on December 26 and 27, 2022 at the canteen of the Society. Many fairy-tale characters took part in the festive show - this is Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, a snowman Olaf, deer Sven and Elsa. Children were given the opportunity to ride the Olen Sven, and at the end of the holiday to play with the rain from tinsel. A lot of unforgettable emotions and great mood. At the end of the holiday, a sweet table was waiting for the children.
Excursion of the labor collective of JSC «SALEO-Gomel» to the memorial complex «Partisanskaya Krinichka»
November 26, 2022 as part of the «Year of Historical Memory», on the Day of Celebration On the occasion of the 79th anniversary of the liberation of the city of Gomel from the Nazi invaders, employees of JSC «SALEO-Gomel» visited memorial complex «Partisan Krinichka». The patriotic excursion was remembered for its bright expositions, historical facts and left a feeling in the soul pride, respect and admiration for courage, the exploits of partisan heroes who fought for their homeland in the field. «Partisanskaya Krinichka» laid the foundation for the partisan movement in Soviet Belarus. During the Great Patriotic During the war, the legendary «Bolshevik» partisan detachment was stationed here. His fighters carried out sabotage on iron roads and main highways, interacted with the underground and conducted agitation and propaganda work among the local population. It was from Gomel that underground groups were sent to the areas occupied by the Germans. Partisan detachments were formed here, which subsequently operated throughout all the territory of Belarus. One of the founders of the partisan movement – Gomel regiment of the people's militia was Barykin Emelyan Ignatievich.

Emelyan Barykin at the same time created an underground in the city: he outlined safe houses, thought through the system communications, determined the places for laying material bases, took care of equipping sabotage groups with tol, mines, fuses, weapons. After the German troops occupied Gomel, Barykin went to the Novobelitsky forest, where he became the commissar of the partisan detachment «Bolshevik», while remaining a member of the Gomel underground regional committee, secretary of the Gomel underground city committee of the CPSU (b). From August 1941 to the summer of 1942, partisans defeated several enemy garrisons, blew up bridge over the Vit River, set up twenty-five ambushes on highways, destroying dozens of vehicles and convoys. The first exit to the railroad Gomel Zhlobin Barykin headed himself. A «fishing rod» - tension mine. The echelon with the Nazis was derailed. After the first echelon, sabotage groups began to go to the railroad regularly. Created Komsomol youth the sabotage group, which later grew into a sabotage detachment, derailed 58 enemy echelons, blew up 87 vehicles, tanks and armored cars, destroyed many soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht. 6—On August 7, 1942, Barykin led a raid on the enemy garrison in the village of Borshchevka. It was destroyed during the battle. up to 150 soldiers, large trophies captured. In November 1942, blocked by large forces of the Wehrmacht troops, «the Bolshevik», «Behind Motherland» and the name of Voroshilov were forced to leave their bases and take refuge in the Oktyabrsky district, where there was an extensive partisan zone. On February 6, 1943, at an extended commander's meeting held in the Polessky forest, it was decided transform partisan detachments into brigades and unite into partisan formations. Barykin became chief of staff of Gomel partisan connection. The guerrilla war continued. In April 1943 alone, eight trains were derailed. Was the Saltanovsky military plant was destroyed.

In the summer and autumn of 1943, the Gomel partisan unit actively participated in the «rail war». They did not forget about the highways, the Nazi garrisons in the villages, they helped the peasants whose villages settled down in the forests. were burned to the ground. On November 17, 1943, Barykin led one of the partisan brigades during the capture of the crossing across the Berezina River. near the village Gorval. The Nazis built a ferry, built a crossing for the retreating troops. As a result of lightning assault several brigades in Gorval, the partisans seized not only the ferry and the crossing, but also the equipment that was about to cross to western coast. The enemy sent large forces in order to return the crossing, but the partisans under the leadership of Barykin created a strong defense and held it for three days. November 20, 1943 along the Gorvalsky crossing, preserved by the partisans, on the western coast was already crossed by Soviet troops. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR «On conferring the title of Hero of the Soviet Union to Belarusian partisans» dated January 1, 1944 for «exemplary performance of government tasks in the fight against Nazi Germany invaders behind enemy lines and shown courage and heroism and for special merits in the development of the partisan movement in Belarus» Barykin E.G. was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the medal «Gold Star»

17.11.2022 2022 at JSC «SALEO-Gomel» there was a meeting
17.11.2022 at JSC «SALEO-Gomel» a meeting of managers with a senior assistant Prosecutor of the city of Gomel Junior Counselor of Justice Shapochkin K.A. as part of activities to comply with the Law of the Republic Belarus «On the fight against corruption» and prevention to prevent the commission by the employees of the Company of corruption crimes.
Discussion of the project "On the All-Belarusian People's Assembly"
10.27.2022 young specialists of JSC "SALEO-Gomel" took part in the discussion of the draft Law of the Republic Belarus "On the All-Belarusian People's Assembly" and "On Amending the Electoral Code of the Republic of Belarus". which took place on the basis of RUE "Beltelecom" with the participation of labor collectives. Questions from those present were answered Krech Olga Zenonovna – Deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, Member of the Standing Committee on Legislation Murashko Dmitry Alexandrovich - First Secretary of the Gomel Regional Committee of the Communist Party Belarus Vorobyov Viktor Aleksandrovich – Deputy Dean of the Law Faculty of the Gomel State University named after F. Skaryna All-Belarusian People's Assembly A special body in the system of Belarusian democracy, designed to strengthen the relationship between society and the state. According to the Constitution of Belarus with amendments and additions of February 27, 2022, the All-Belarusian People's Assembly – "the highest representative body of the people's power of the Republic of Belarus, which determines the strategic directions for the development of society and the state, which ensures the inviolability of the constitutional order, the continuity of generations and civil harmony". Unlike the National Assembly (Parliament), this institution – more numerous, which allows expand the representation and participation of people in making strategic decisions, take into account the interests of all sectors of society and their opinions about the development of the country. The delegates of the All-Belarusian People's Assembly, the maximum number of which is 1200 people, are: •President of the Republic of Belarus; •The President of the Republic of Belarus, who has terminated the exercise of his powers (the expiration of the term of office in office, early resignation); •Representatives of the legislative, executive and judicial authorities; •Representatives of local Councils of Deputies; •Representatives of civil society; •Representatives of local Councils of Deputies and civil society to participate in the All-Belarusian People's assembly are elected from each region and the city of Minsk in the manner prescribed by law. •There is a collegial body – Presidium. The All-Belarusian People's Assembly, according to the Constitution, has a wide range of powers: •approves the main directions of domestic and foreign policy, military doctrine, the concept of national security; •approves the programs of social and economic development of the country and hears the Prime Minister on their implementation; •proposes amendments and additions to the Constitution; •proposes holding republican referendums; •have the right to consider the question of the legitimacy of elections; •decides on the removal of the President from office in the event of a systematic or gross violation them to the Constitution or the commission of high treason or other serious crime; •has the right to introduce a state of emergency or martial law on the territory of the Republic of Belarus if there are grounds; •on the proposal of the President decides on the possibility of sending military personnel, employees of paramilitary organizations, other persons outside the Republic of Belarus to participate in ensuring collective security and activities for maintaining international peace and security; •gives binding instructions to state bodies and officials, etc. History of the National Assembly: from the five-year forums to enshrining in the Constitution: In October 1996, for the first time, a large-scale people's forum was held in Belarus, bringing together representatives all regions of the country – people of different social groups, professions, ages – in discussing the most important issues the life of society and the state. Such a consolidated format for considering the key tasks and directions of the country's development in the future entrenched: in sovereign history, the All-Belarusian National Assembly was held in 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, 2016, 2021. The All-Belarusian People's Assembly has become a special form of democracy, a democratic institution that allowed the citizens of Belarus to more widely exercise the right to participate in the affairs of the state – not only through the election of different levels and referendums, the activities of the parliament and local councils of deputies, communication with the elect. Delegates from each region of the country took part in the national forum: representatives of all branches authorities, all spheres of production and business, science and education, healthcare and culture, student youth and veterans. These authoritative people – specialists in the profession, leaders who are ready to express their position on sensitive issues and contribute suggestions, – nominated and elected in labor collectives, at public meetings. In addition, representatives of the diplomatic corps, Belarusian diasporas, international organizations, foreign guests. By tradition, the All-Belarusian National Assembly was held once every five years. established event format – two days of active work of delegates from all over the country. However, in practice, the process of preparing for the forum and summarizing its results took many months. It was the period when the public discussion of the achievements and problems of the country intensified, the results for the previous five years were summed up, proposals were made on a further development strategy. In 2021, large-scale work began in Belarus to introduce amendments and additions to the Basic Law countries. To prepare the project, a Constitutional Commission was created, which included 36 people – government representatives authorities, legal science, public associations, various sectors of the economy and the social sphere – well-deserved and authoritative people who have an active civic position. In December 2021, the draft amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus were made public for nationwide discussion: in three and a half weeks, more than 8.9 thousand opinions and proposals were received from Belarusians. On February 27, 2022, the fourth republican referendum in the history of sovereign Belarus was held: 4,440 830 citizens – 82.86% of those who voted – supported the amendments. And on March 15, 2022, the updated Constitution of Belarus entered into force. The main changes in the Basic Law of the country affected the issues of the state structure: norms defining the status, procedure for the formation and powers of the All-Belarusian People's Assembly, which became the highest representative organ of democracy. National forums in Belarus: chronology and decisions First All-Belarusian People's Assembly October 19-20, 1996 Delegates: 4740 people Report of the President – "Only the people have the right to decide their own fate" Head of State Alexander Lukashenko, who took the initiative to hold a nationwide forum, presented analysis of the country's development in the first years of independence and its tenure as president, further strategy with an emphasis to a socially oriented market economy. Main topics and decisions taken: at the first All-Belarusian People's Assembly, the Program of socio-economic development for 1996-2000 (priorities – export of goods and services, housing construction, development of the agro-industrial complex), the initiative to hold a republican referendum on amendments and additions to the Constitution was approved. Second All-Belarusian People's Assembly May 18-19, 2001 Delegates: 2.5 thousand people Motto – "For a strong and prosperous Belarus" Main topics and decisions taken: summed up and noted significant achievements of the five-year period, reviewed delegates The program of social and economic development of Belarus for 2001-2005 outlined further guidelines and priorities – food security, exports, housing, innovation and investment.

Father's Day is celebrated in the Republic of Belarus
On October 21, 2022, Belarus celebrates the holiday – Father's Day! Congratulations are accepted by men, who took responsibility for new generations. Why was October 21st chosen? The fact is that October 14 in the calendar of Belarusians – Mothers Day. So now there is an opportunity from 14 to 21 October to spend parental week. International Fathers Day The annual feast in honor of the popes, which is celebrated in many countries around the world on the third Sunday of June. Already according to the established tradition, on this day it is customary to honor the dearest and most beloved men – dads and grandpas. Remarkably, that in some countries Father's Day is considered a public holiday, analogous to International Women's Day. In the Republic of Belarus, International Father's Day now has an official status, according to Decree No. 198, signed by the Head of State on June 9, 2022. This day will be another occasion for many children to say how much they love their parents. Not less valuable is the friendship of kids with dad. If a mother gives her child tenderness, affection, love and warmth, then dad provides protection. and confidence, helps to determine life priorities, shares wise life advice. Often a model for It is the father who becomes the imitation of the child. Children unconsciously copy his best qualities, his behavior, attitude to life. Therefore, such an important holiday appeared in our Republic of Belarus.

21.10.2022 on the basis of secondary school 30 in Gomel, competitions among labor collectives dedicated to Father's Day were held. Our team took an honorable second place. Congratulations to our winners.
As part of the Year of Historical Memory (15.10.2022)
On 10.15.2022, employees of JSC "SALEO-Gomel" visited the "Park-Museum of Interactive History Sula". Many years ago, on the territory of the former Lensky estate, construction began on a unique tourist complex «Park-Museum of Interactive History Sula». Its construction began in 2006. Employees of OJSC SALEO-Gomel visited the «Park-Museum of Interactive History Sula» and realized what attracts visitors here and why you should visit this place. The atmosphere of the past is breathtaking. The manor and park complex is located in the historical place – on the territory of the former possessions of the clan Lensky. Thanks to the extensive reconstruction and restoration work that took place from 2006 to 2012, all historical monuments have been given new life. The hall-museum of gentry glory «Royal Assembly»was located in the building of the largest barn. The house of workers turned into a boutique hotel «Gaspodnya», in a newly built wooden house, where the family of the housekeeper once lived, the hotel «House of the Housekeeper». is located. Opened its doors and the old two-story outbuilding deep in the park. The former forge, renovated and expanded, became the restaurant «Vyasyola Pan».

In whatever corner of the «Park-Museum of Interactive History Sula» you didn't find yourself everywhere you can feel the atmosphere of the late XVIII – early XIX centuries. A trip to the «Park-Museum of Interactive History Sula» is an opportunity to learn about history Belarus. «Park-Museum of Interactive History Sula» - this is a real historical Dreamland. Together as a guide you will make a real journey, which will start from the era of the early Paleolithic, the era of megaliths, then – site of primitive people, paganism, Varangians, the medieval quarter, the era of the gentry, and all end with a visit to the museum, which is dedicated to the Lensky. In «Park-Museum of Interactive History Sula» 60 kilometers from Minsk, surrounded by forests, on on the banks of the Sula River of the same name, there is a quiet countryside vacation. Everyone who has ever been here wants to come back again. If you want to spend weekend outside the city or just go to nature, be sure to visit this place. You will have a great opportunity to try national Belarusian dishes, take a walk in the park. Any trip – it's always tiring. The park has four comfortable hotel. After you rest, you can take a horseback ride around the area or look at the complex from a bird's eye view from the cockpit of a helicopter. Whatever type of recreation you choose, in the «Park-Museum of Interactive History Sula» there is everything you need to implement it! Drakkar ride. Few people in Belarus can boast that they have a real Viking ship! And in the «Park-Museum of Interactive History Sula» you will have a unique opportunity to ride on a full-size drakkar that can accommodate a group of up to fifty people, the employees of JSC "SALEO-Gomel" certainly did not miss this opportunity, and swept on the notorious drakkar!

October 14 is Republican Mother's Day.
On the basis of JSC "SALEO-Gomel" a solemn congratulation with a tea party for the mothers of the enterprise with many children took place. On this day, I want to say thank you to all mothers on the planet for the best gift — life! Expensive our mothers, we congratulate you on Mother's Day and wish you spiritual strength, life wisdom, angelic patience, female happiness, mutual love and home comfort. Thank you, relatives, for the warmth, tenderness, affection and care that you are so sincere to us. give away. We wish you, our dear ones, always and everywhere to feel needed and loved.

In Belarus, Mother's Day is celebrated annually on October 14th. The history of Mother's Day is rooted in the religious holiday — Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos, In all Orthodox churches, a festive divine service is held on this day. It is believed that in 910 in Jerusalem miraculous In this way, the Mother of God revealed herself, during the service, many people saw the Mother of God in the sky, which covered all those praying with a wide white veil (or veil) trying to protect all the children of God. That is why Mother's Day in Belarus is timed to such an important holiday in the Orthodox religious tradition.

And. 16.10.2022 as part of the events dedicated to the celebration of Mother's Day, Deputy Director-Director for personnel, regime and social issues Kadina L.V. on behalf of JSC «SALEO-Gomel» together with a member of the Chamber representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Utkin V.Yu. large families of children's homes of the family type of administration of the Zheleznodorozhny district of Gomel Baturina N.P. and Kazachenok. Mothers were given souvenirs from the enterprise.
June 1 - International Children's Day
International Children's Day — one of the oldest international holidays. decision about it was adopted in 1925 at the World Conference on the Welfare of Children in Geneva. After the Second World War, when the problems of maintaining the health and well-being of children were more than ever relevant, in 1949 a congress of women was held in Paris, at which an oath was made of the tireless struggle to ensure lasting peace as the only guarantee for the happiness of children. In the same year, at the Moscow session of the Council of the International Democratic Women's Federation, in accordance with the decisions of its 2nd Congress, today's holiday was established. A year later, in 1950 June 1 was the first International Children's Day, after which this holiday is held annually.
International Children's Day has a flag. On a green background, symbolizing growth, harmony, freshness and fertility, around the sign of the Earth are placed stylized figurines — red, yellow, blue, white and black. These human figurines symbolize diversity and tolerance. The sign of the Earth, placed in the center, — it is a symbol of our common home.

Interestingly, this holiday was actively supported in countries that have chosen the socialist path of development. In the era of the existence of the Soviet Union, on June 1, summer holidays began in schools. International Children's Day was celebrated speeches and discussions on the rights and well-being of children, screenings of new children's feature films and TV shows, arranged sports competitions for children, often inviting parents to participate. And today in many countries on this day there are many mass, entertaining and cultural events for children. But Children's Day — this is not only a fun holiday for the children themselves, it is also a reminder to society about the need to protect the rights of the child so that all children grow up happy, study, do what they love and in the future become wonderful parents and citizens of their country. Indeed, children around the world are often the victims of aggressive adult behavior, exposed to various hazards. This is the detrimental effect of modern television and aggressive computer games on the physical and mental health of toddlers, in many Asian and African countries children starve and die before reaching their fifth birthday. Many are threatened by AIDS, illiteracy and endless wars. On June 1, 2022 JSC «SALEO-Gomel» a holiday was held for the children of workers. At the event There were more than 50 children from 3 to 14 years old. In the foyer of the Society, an exhibition-photo zone was prepared from the drawings of the guys who they brought with them. An interesting entertainment program awaited in the Fock of the Children's Society, in which they participated with pleasure All. In the canteen of the Society, a sweet table and gifts were waiting for children. The children, as well as the parents, received a charge of good mood and positive emotions.

Congratulations to veterans on Victory Day May 9! (06.05.2022)
May 9 is not only a beautiful spring day, but also an unforgettable, memorable date - Victory Day! Very little there are those who are directly related to this holiday, to whom we personally must now bow at the feet and thank for a peaceful sky above our heads. Our dear and beloved veterans, I would like to congratulate you on the holiday that means to you something more than just a holiday. We congratulate you on the Victory Day, the Great Victory, which would not have happened if it were not for you. We want wish each of you good health, because we do not want you to get sick. We understand that this victory went With great difficulty, but, of course, we cannot fully understand and imagine the scale of all this. Thank you for being we now live in our homeland, and we live freely. You put in the maximum amount of effort, which helped achieve the result that we see now. And this holiday is proof that all this was done by you not just like that. Believe that we will always be grateful to you, because you gave us the right to life. And we will put everything efforts to preserve the memory of those who walked for miles to this victory. Happy holiday!

JSC «SALEO-Gomel» the opening of the permanent exhibition «Memory Road» (06.05.2022)
In order to form an objective attitude of society to the historical past, to preserve and strengthen unity of the Belarusian people On January 1, 2022, the Head of State signed Decree No. 1 «On declaring 2022 the Year of historical memory». By Order No. 63 dated 09.03.2022 «On carrying out in JSC «SALEO-Gomel» patriotic actions «Memory Road» in order to instill patriotism, preserve the memory of the heroic past of the Belarusian people. The action «Memory Road».was announced. The employees of the enterprise were offered the opportunity to post photos, documents, bibliographic data about relatives (grandfathers, great-grandfathers) who took part in the events of the Great Patriotic War and the war with Japan 1941-1945 as fighters of the Red Army, partisans, underground workers, home front workers, blockade, prisoners of concentration camps. On May 6, the solemn opening of the exhibition took place at the enterprise. The exhibition will be hosted before the end of 2022, the exposition is replenished and updated as information provided by employees becomes available. Undoubtedly, each employee who participated in the action carried out painstaking and complex work to search for historical facts, documents, awards and learned a lot about the heroic past of loved ones, which we should not forget and remember always and pass on from generation to generation.

Day of Remembrance of the tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant named after V.I. Lenin
On April 26, 2022, the enterprise held a round table discussion on the topic: «Chernobyl – ecological catastrophe» Speaker – Leading Engineer for Environmental Protection of JSC «SALEO-Gomel» Korotkaya A.I. Every year on April 26, the whole world lights candles and remembers the terrible catastrophe that divided history before and after: 36 years of the Chernobyl tragedy. It was on this day that everyone learned how a «peaceful» atom can behave. Chronology of the accident April 25, 1986 at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant were to undergo scheduled repairs in the reactor, and also testing its new mode of operation. Before that, according to the protocol, the reactor power was significantly reduced: at that time it worked only at 20-30% of its efficiency. In order to carry out repairs, the reactor’s emergency cooling system was also turned off. As a result, the capacity of the power unit fell to 500 MW, while at full capacity it could accelerate to 3200 MW. About half On the first night, the operator could not keep the reactor power at the required level, and it fell to almost zero. Then it was decided — take all measures to increase power. Staff efforts paid off. success — power began to rise. However, the operational reactivity margin continued to fall. When power reaches 200 MW turned on eight pumps, including additional ones. But the consumption of water cooling the reactor was small, which is why the temperature inside the reactor began to rise gradually — it soon reached the boiling point. The planned experiment to increase the power of the reactor began at 01:23:04. Start was successful and power began to rise rapidly. Such an increase was originally planned, so the operators did not attach any due attention. Already at 01:23:38 an alarm sounded, and the test should have been stopped, but the experiment still continued. A few seconds later, the system received alarms about the rapid increase in reactor power, and at 01:24 the Chernobyl tragedy happened — an explosion sounded. The fourth reactor was completely destroyed, the release began radioactive substances. Possible causes of the accident Later in the 1993 report, they will write about the following causes of the accident at the reactor: • many mistakes of the power plant personnel, as well as violation of the rules of the experiment; • continuation of work: despite the fact that the reactor behaved malfunctioning, the station staff wanted to finish the experiment through thick and thin; • the reactor itself did not meet safety standards, as it had a number of significant design problems; • young personnel did not understand the whole peculiarity of working with the reactor; • poor communication between reactor operators. However, one cannot ignore the fact that the Chernobyl tragedy happened due to an uncontrolled increase in the power of a nuclear reactor, the growth of which was already impossible to stop. Witnesses of this terrible accident were also looking for a reason not in the error of exploitation, but in the whims of nature. At the moment when the explosion occurred, a seismic shock was recorded. That is, according to one version, the instability of the reactor caused a small earthquake. In addition, the leadership of the USSR assumed that a sabotage had occurred at the station. Searched among employees traitors in order to avoid admitting the fact that the reactor was built with violations, and the personnel working there were not so qualified to carry out such tests. Consequences of a man-made disaster This tragic night claimed many lives. Two employees of the station died from the explosion itself: one from the collapse of the concrete ceiling, the second died in the morning from his injuries. Those involved in the removal of traces also suffered. accidents — 134 station employees and members of the rescue teams were exposed to severe radiation exposure. Everyone has The participants in the operation developed radiation sickness, 28 of them died due to radiation contamination a few months later. All the fire departments in the district immediately reacted to the sound of the explosion. The command then took over himself Major Telyatnikov, whose desperate actions helped stop the spread of the fire. He himself survived only thanks to the complex brain surgery done in England. The first to arrive at the scene of the accident were employees of the brigade of Lieutenant Pravik, who died due to severe exposure. At the same time, Lieutenant Kibenok, who arrived immediately after Pravik, also died. The fire was extinguished only by six o'clock in the morning. Then none of the liquidators knew that exploded reactor, and therefore people did not even wear anti-radiation protection. Already an hour after the accident, they began to fall unconscious from radiation sickness, and most of those on the front lines perished. Evacuation It has been 36 hours since the accident, while the population had to be evacuated immediately. In the morning On April 27, a message was heard on the radio that the inhabitants of Pripyat should be ready to leave the city. They didn't know then that they will never return home. On April 28, for the first time, people were told that a tragedy had occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, but that the whole reactor exploded, they kept silent. A few days later, the population within a radius of 30 km was completely evacuated. At the same time, everyone residents were told that they would be able to return here in three days. 36 years have passed, but to live in Pripyat and the outskirts of Chernobyl still not possible. The Soviet government in every possible way hushed up the fact of the reactor explosion, there was no talk about it in the media, the whole country then celebrated the first of May — Workers' Day. Elimination of consequences To eliminate the consequences of the accident and in order to "seal" reactor, created a special commission, whose members decided to drop a special mixture of lead, dilomites and boron-containing agents onto the reactor. Later ten days, the military, scientists and liquidators arrived in the 30-kilometer zone. In the first year, the number of those who actually saved the world from a global catastrophe reached almost 300 thousands of people. People worked in shifts, as they could not endure exposure to radiation for a long time. To fence off forever a destroyed nuclear reactor, a so-called "sarcophagus" was built over it. It took 206 days to build — work ended in November 1986. Exclusion Zone In addition to Pripyat itself, people left hundreds of small settlements. 30 km zone around the station received the name "Exclusion Zone", and a zone 200 km from the accident site was contaminated. Most affected Zhitomir and Kiev regions in Ukraine, as well as Gomel in Belarus and Bryansk in Russia. Radiation damage sites found even in Norway, Finland and Sweden. The number of people suffering from cancer has risen sharply since the accident. The most common of them — thyroid cancer. Doctors even stated that children born to parents from those regions suffer from birth defects and mutations. For example, in 1987 there was an outbreak of Down syndrome. Public reaction around the world The Chernobyl tragedy soon became known all over the world: European countries noted an unprecedented high level of radiation, sounded the alarm, and the truth was revealed. After this tragedy, the construction of nuclear power plants in many countries practically stopped. The United States and Western Europe did not build a single nuclear power plant until 2002, scientists began to work on alternative sources of energy. In the USSR itself, before the accident, they planned to build 10 more similar power plants and dozens of other reactors. in already functioning stations, but all plans were closed after the events of 26 April. The further fate of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant After the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, its operation was stopped due to the threat of powerful radiation contamination. But a few years later, the first and second power units started working again, and later the third one was also launched. In 1995, the authorities decided to permanently shut down the power plant. Following this plan, In 1996 the first power unit was stopped, in 1999 — the second, and finally the station was closed already in 2000. A few years later, the government ordered the start of a project to create a new sarcophagus, as the first did not adequately protect the environment from the effects of radiation. Thus, in 2012, work began on the construction protective structure. It was supposed to completely seal the power unit, and, according to scientists, not let the radioactive background through. through the walls. The new sarcophagus was ready by 2018, and the approximate cost of this project was more than 2 billion US dollars. In addition, in 2009 a program was developed for the complete decontamination of the station, which will take place in four stages. The last stage is planned to be completed by 2065. By this time, the authorities want to completely dispose of all traces of the presence of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant at this place

Meeting with young professionals. (19.04.2022)
On April 19, 2022, a meeting was held between the management and young specialists who arrived at our enterprise by distribution after graduating from the Educational Establishment "Gomel State Machine-Building College", Educational Institutions «Gomel State Automotive College». In total, 15 arrived at the enterprise Human. Young people work as operators of machine tools with program control of the 3rd and 4th category. On The meeting discussed issues of career prospects, social guarantees and participation in the public life of the team. Everyone The participants were presented with branded souvenirs of the enterprise.
Khatyn - Mound of Glory - Stalin Line (16.04.2022)
As part of the events in the Year of Historical Memory on April 16, 2022, employees of JSC "SALEO-Gomel" visited the memorial complex "Khatyn". Khatyn - a former village of the Lagoisky district of the Minsk region of Belarus - became a symbol of the tragedy of the Belarusian people, a mournful page in the history of the Great Patriotic War. She was destroyed Nazis in the spring of 1943. In memory of the dead 2,230,000 inhabitants of Belarus - every fourth - in 1969 on the site of a burned together with the residents of the village of Khatyn, a memorial complex was built, which embodies the idea of the courage and insubordination of the people, who made innumerable sacrifices in the name of victory. The employees also visited the Memorial Complex «Mound of Glory» - monument to the Great Patriotic War war. Of great interest to both adults and children was the historical and cultural complex "Line Stalin». This is an open-air military history museum. The military-historical museum contains the most complete in Belarus an exposition of everything that was in service in various years, starting from the time of the war, military equipment, artillery, tanks, aviation, small arms. The museum has a unique exposition of Russian, Polish and German armored caps that have survived since the first world war. The workers also saw a unique program of the "Tank Biathlon" T-72 competition show. Reconstruction "Rzhev-Vyazemskaya operation" 1942.

Meeting with the staff of JSC «SALEO-Gomel» (17.02.2022)
On February 17, 2022, a meeting was held as part of a single information day as part of the working group of the head administration of the Zheleznodorozhny district of the city of Gomel Sivakov A.I., head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the administration Timoshenko I.N., head of department Social Security Administration Samuseva I.V., Deputy Prosecutor of the city of Gomel Ryabtseva A.S., Head of the Magistracy Department of BelSUT Kozoroz I.N. with the labor collective of JSC «SALEO-Gomel»
Meeting of warriors-internationalists JSC «SALEO-Gomel» (15.02.2022 в 12.00)
15.02.2022 at 12.00 a meeting of the soldiers-internationalists of JSC "SALEO-Gomel" took place; With Deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Utkin V.Yu. During the meeting with Vitaly Yurievich Veterans were awarded Letters of Appreciation.
Excursion to the Memorial Complex (27.11.2021)
As part of the events in the Year of National Unity - rallying and preserving the memory of the heroic past of Belarus for our descendants. In order to preserve the national historical memory of the feat of the Belarusian people, heroism manifested during the Great Patriotic War, as well as the education of patriotic and civic qualities of the younger generation.
On November 27, 2021, an excursion was held for employees of the staff of JSC "SALEO-Gomel" with children to the Memorial Complex for Children Victims of Fascism in the agro-town of Krasny Bereg, Zhlobin District.
On the eve of the liberation of the city of Gomel (20.11.2021)
Continuing the glorious traditions of preserving the historical memory of the great feat of the Belarusian people accomplished during the years of the Great Patriotic War and the patriotic education of young people, the labor collective of JSC "SALEO-Gomel" with their children on the eve of the liberation of Gomel, 11.20.2021 visited the Museum of Military Glory in Gomel.
Institution "Gomel Regional Museum of Military Glory" Belarus, Gomel, Pushkin street, 5; Postal code: 246050. Museum cash desk +375 232 34-11-29