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Home » News » JSC SALEO-Gomel took part in the International Specialized Exhibition "Construction Equipment and Technologies 2023" in Moscow.

JSC SALEO-Gomel took part in the International Specialized Exhibition "Construction Equipment and Technologies 2023" in Moscow.

JSC SALEO-Gomel took part in the International Specialized Exhibition "Construction Equipment and Technologies 2023" in Moscow.

The exhibition presented the production capabilities of the enterprises of the holding «SALEO» (LLC «SALEO» - managing company of the holding» Dzerzhinsk, JSC "SALEO-Gomel" Gomel, JSC "SALEO-Kobrin" Kobrin). Negotiations were held on prospective business cooperation with consumers of hydraulic components, manufacturers of road construction equipment and agricultural companies.

Publication date: 08.06.2023 Print version

Viewings:484 / Time:14:15

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