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JSC "SALEO-Gomel" held the Month of labor safety

JSC "SALEO-Gomel" held the Month of labor safety

As part of the Year of Occupational Safety in Industry, JSC "SALEO-Gomel" from 03/01/2023 to 03/31/2023  was held   «Month of labor safety». 

In order to prevent industrial injuries, prevent accidents at work, strengthen public safety and discipline, an "Action Plan for the «Month of labor safety» was developed, approved by order of the first deputy director No. 65 of 03/02/2023.      

The results of the daily monitoring of compliance with the requirements for labor protection, labor and production discipline employees, high-quality briefings, internships and knowledge testing on labor protection issues, equipment compliance and production processes with labor protection requirements, providing employees with personal protective equipment, sanitary rooms, flushing and neutralizing agents were   reviewed  at a meeting with the participation of the technical director, his deputies, heads of structural and production  departments, employees of the labor protection service.

Accidents at work, cases of occupational disease or poisoning in JSC "SALEO-Gomel" over this period and since the beginning of 2023, no data has been recorded.

Publication date: 06.04.2023 Print version

Viewings:462 / Time:15:35

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